Travel in pictures

Images are now being added to the travel section of the website to add a bit of colour to the guides. The pages about Britain are the first to see images added (as I've the most choice of photos to go on) but more will be added in due course. At the same time I'm also continuing to add and update the information on the pages.


Over 500 photos!

Updates to both this blog and the website are definitely due, so I've added a couple of new sections to the photo gallery website, bringing the total number of images in the gallery to over 500. The latest sections are those photos taken during September so far, and from the excellent Proms in the Park, which took place last weekend in Hyde Park. There are still more shots to be added to the August section when I have a spare moment.

Photos still needing to the travel section. I haven't forgotten. Actually I'm rather fancying some more trips around Europe at the moment, as there's certainly no chance of a bigger trip before next year. I'm not sure where yet, but as I've signed up for a German course Germany, Austria or Switzerland may well be on the cards. That said, the Baltic states are coming well recommended, and Ryanair is starting flights to one of the capitals (I forgot which) from the end of October.

It's Open House Weekend in London this weekend, where there's the chance to look around hundreds of the capital's landmark buildings that are normally out of bounds for the general public. I was hoping to go to the Gherkin until I heard today that people were queueing 4 hours. That's a long wait for a good view.


Going digital

I decided to go shopping at the weekend and enter the world of digital radio and television. I've been suitably impressed by both so far.

DAB radio offers around 50 stations covering a wide variety of formats and musical genres. Strangely though, or perhaps not so strange; of the stations programmed into the radio's presets, many are the same I'd listed to on analogue radio - BBC Radio 4, 5 Live and the like. It's fantastic to be finally able to receive the World Service in high-fidelity, and 6 Music is sounding good so far too. As for the commercial offerings; well I've never been a great fan of commercial radio, although many of the digital stations seem to be fairly light on advertising for the time being, which is fine by me. Planet Rock plays a good few quality tracks you'd not hear elsewhere, and I'm working my way through many of the other stations, sampling a few minutes of programming from each. There's something for most moods; it's just a matter of trying to remember everything that's available to listen to!

Freeview was a less expensive secondary purchase from the weekend. Remarkably easy to set up, and no signal problems at all, considering I'm just using an internal area sitting on the dining table. Saying that, there's a direct line-of-sight to Crystal Palace from many places around here, so it's perhaps not terribly surprising, but it's good to see that the sound 1920s construction of the building doesn't block all signals. (Wireless internet is not so lucky.)

There aren't a great number of stations of Freeview, since many of the higher profile ones such as E4 and Discovery are subscription based. Nevertheless, for news-junkies such as myself there are three news channels and a UK History channel which shows a good number of documentaries. Even the Sky Travel channel shows some decent fare, such as vintage Whicker's World. Fantastic! BBC Four has also been looking good, and seems to be the place where World Cinema has now relocated. I remember in the past there being a decent amount of films on Channel 4 and BBC2, but this seems to have dried up in recent years. There was a great French film on over the weekend though, and it looks as if my fortunes are looking up.