So much for the summer

The remaining few minutes of the summer tick away and shortly we'll be entering September, which for most people means Autumn has arrived, and with it the end of lounging on the beach in the sun, long golden days. So the theory goes. Britain has a reputation for its erratic weather, but from what I've heard via friends the same lack of summer we've been experiencing has affected more or less all of Europe at similar latitudes. Still, there's hope for an Indian Summer yet.


'Impeach Blair Now'

It was the above title which made me pick up and buy a copy of the Spectator magazine the other day. Although I do like to pick up one of the political periodicals fairly regularly, the Spectator isn't normally one I'd read, as its partisan line isn't exactly to my own tastes. However on this occasion mention of impeaching the PM did grab my attention.

Perhaps I shouldn't have been so easily swayed by a headline, but in my opinion Blair's seemingly reasonable work at managing the country so far has been irrevocably overshadowed on what appears to have been a fool's errand in Iraq, and I won't at all mind seeing the Blair - Bush pact given a bloodied nose over the whole affair. And so I read about the proposed impeachment of Blair with at least a touch of expectation.

The Spectator made the proposed impeachment sound like quite a realistic proposition, whereas in the story on the BBC website, the whole idea seems to have been given little regard by MPs as a whole. Interestingly, it transpires that Boris Johnson, editor of the Spectator, is one of the 11 MPs supporting the impeachment. I suppose that explains their upbeat coverage of the proposal. Alas, perhaps Teflon Tony will walk away with it again ...until the election at least.


Back from a break

I'm back following a week or so of travelling, seeing the sights and entertaining friends. Look out for photos from some of the trips and places appearing in the photo album soon, which includes a trip on the Caledonian Sleeper from London to Inverness. I can't claim that much sleeping was actually done, but it's certainly a reasonable way of making such a long journey.

I've also been to the Edinburgh Festival, and I've got to say that the shows I saw were excellent, both thoroughly entertaining and proving to be of a higher quality than I had expected (having seen Newsnight Review's coverage of some of the shows). Street-performers I can live without, but the show about John Lennon's death and an evening of comedy poetry both went down an absolute storm. The latter had the lyrical wordsmiths pay homage to the 80's, declare their love for an orange girl (who had been on the sunbed too long), and declare the hell-holes that are call centres, each in their own distinct and witty styles.

I've a great deal of sleep to catch up on, as the past week has consisted largely of full days working and sightseeing in many cases, then eating out and getting to bed late. Unfortunately given the current hour unless I make a particularly valiant effort to sleep in tomorrow I'll still be behind on my quota for kippage.


Slogan of the day

While browsing International Broadcasting websites I came across the following banner graphic for Aljazeera. Good choice of slogan I reckon...


Night shots

The next set of photos to appear on the photography website will be some night-time shots I took the other weekend in central London. Some of the shots were challenging, in that i was trying to get the camera to balance on the side railings of say Westminster or Waterloo bridge in order to take a shot down the river. Some came out, others not.

My favourite shots from the evening were the long exposures of traffic, which isn't something I'd really tried before, not least due to having lived in a place where there's not much traffic anyway. No such problems on Waterloo Bridge or on the Mall, and some of the results look pretty funky. It's certainly something I'll be experimenting further with in the future. Red London double-decker buses make for some of the most best subjects.