'Impeach Blair Now'

It was the above title which made me pick up and buy a copy of the Spectator magazine the other day. Although I do like to pick up one of the political periodicals fairly regularly, the Spectator isn't normally one I'd read, as its partisan line isn't exactly to my own tastes. However on this occasion mention of impeaching the PM did grab my attention.

Perhaps I shouldn't have been so easily swayed by a headline, but in my opinion Blair's seemingly reasonable work at managing the country so far has been irrevocably overshadowed on what appears to have been a fool's errand in Iraq, and I won't at all mind seeing the Blair - Bush pact given a bloodied nose over the whole affair. And so I read about the proposed impeachment of Blair with at least a touch of expectation.

The Spectator made the proposed impeachment sound like quite a realistic proposition, whereas in the story on the BBC website, the whole idea seems to have been given little regard by MPs as a whole. Interestingly, it transpires that Boris Johnson, editor of the Spectator, is one of the 11 MPs supporting the impeachment. I suppose that explains their upbeat coverage of the proposal. Alas, perhaps Teflon Tony will walk away with it again ...until the election at least.

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