Winter solstice

Religiously funded American media can often be heard reminding viewers or listeners of 'the reason for the season'. I know perfectly well what they're referring to but it doesn't mean I can't gleefully ignore it outright and instead focus on the original 'reason for the season' that is the winter solstice taking place at 0:20 on the morning of 22nd December. Yes, I always thought the solstice fell on the 21st but apparently there's a certain amount of annual variation pushing it just into the following day this year.

We'll still be exchanging presents and indulging in vast quantities of food on the 25th of course but the passing of the solstice represents that the winter gloom which seems to get so many people down at this time of year has reached its worst and the days will begin to lengthen. Reasons to be cheerful, 1-2-3. The change may been indiscernible at the outset but by February the extra daylight will be welcome and although winter is still with us for a few months yet the glass of summertime cheer will slowly begin to fill. Here endeth the most unusual analogy of the day.

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