Who cares ... you decide

Celebrity Big Brother has been in the media today for what it has to be said somewhat different reasons than normal, but at the end of the day it's all the same sort of celebrity orientated nonsense we could likely do without.

Is this all an issue? As a society we suffer from a huge grey area in free speech where we're on uncertain ground as to what is acceptable or not. What is a joke to one person becomes the gravest offence to another. It strikes me that what was said, I am admit I've only caught snippets through the news along the lines of the lady targeted having dirty hands, is borne through stereotypes. Guide books will warn you about personal hygiene in a great many countries; does this make them racist? More likely what is happening in the CBB house boils down to little more than back stabbing and bitchiness, drawing as it often does on the crudest of sources for ammunition.

My gut instinct is to leave it be. For one thing Jade and her kin are the type of ignorant loud-mouthed scumbags that are best ignored. They're incapable of furthering themselves through any intelligent means so I feel aggrieved that a moment's airtime on the news should be taken up with what they spout out. Or the other hand if it does go as far as the police we can but hope that it will lead to the removal of Jade from the media spotlight through a destruction of reputation. It would hardly be character assassination; after all what could you say to put such people down that is any worth than what they bring upon themselves through their own words and actions.

Either way we should be rid of it. I despise the cult of celebrity and the likes of Jade who is in the spotlight as no result of any iota of talent, achievement or indeed any positive aspect at all should be despised the most. However I shall be practising what I preach and not going anywhere near Channel 4 this evening. Ironically I have just renewed my contract with Carphone Warehouse who today pulled their sponsorship of CBB with immediate effect. I would like to claim the two events were linked but alas I can only endorse the action; not that it is necessarily against racism but against this generation of baseless fame that so craves media attention in the house. Let them be starved of this very attention. However quiet a news day it is there must surely be events in the world many times more deserving of coverage. But that rant will be saved for another day.

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