Wonderful websites

There are some truly awe inspiring websites out there which should be promoted as much as can be. My latest find is Panoramio. Not the most memorable of names perhaps but bear with me. This photo website is linked in with Google Earth. For each photo you upload you specify the location it was taken. Then you can browse a world map on the site, and for whichever area of the world you're looking at the photos taken in that area appear on the left-hand side to be viewed. It's superb! You can look at some of the most remote corners of the world but people have been there and have taken photos there. Navigate to that location and you'll see views from all around it. Better still photos and their locations will appear on the Google Earth maps, making your photos and the places you've captured available to even more people. Even if you don't upload any pictures it's well worth signed up to browse the World Map. I can't recommend it highly enough.

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