Hutton findings

It's been a little too long since I last put something in this blog, but today is certainly the day for it. Lord Hutton piles the criticism on the BBC and finds the government whiter than white. But is the whiteness from today's events actually from the whitewash of Hutton's findings? One guest on a radio debate today noted than none of these Law Lord reports over the years have ever produced a negative finding on the government. So how much creedence should we pay it? It's already cost the BBC Chairman Gavin Davis his job, and it will very nicely get Blair off the hook when the calls for real scrutiny are high.

Blair will now play on the newly strengthened honesty of his character, when in reality he has broken election pledges on tax rises, University fees, and of course the whole torrid affair over Iraq. Although I loathe to agree with the man, Michael Howard was correct when he stated in the Commons that the people will decide at the end of the day.


Go Digital blog

If you're a fan of 'Go Digital' on the BBC World Service you might be interested to know that the presenter Bill Thompson has his own blog which features additional technology news that can't be squeezed into the radio programme.


Happy New Year

All the best to visitors of this site in 2004!