Dying days of autumn

Well December is here, and the real countdown to Christmas begins in ernest. Leaves remaining on the trees are few in number, and I wonder if the leaf-blower train that has been knocking around the local station in recent weeks is finding much left to do.

I'm still hoping to get a few days out later this week to snap what remains of the autumn colours. The generally grey, albeit dry, weather that we've been encountering for most of November hasn't been helpful for photography, but if the forecast is right, and it seldom seems to be, the weekend is looking bright in prospect.

This is also the time of year when almost everyone does some shopping, even those who normally avoid going to the shops, such as myself, who aside from the weekly food shop and visits to a few select places are generally uninspired by the high-street offerings. All across Christendom, or should that be commercedom, the big rush is on to buy buy buy!

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