French blog

I came across an interesting French blog over the weekend. I don't recall how exactly, but then that's how the internet should work: links to links to links and before you know it you've come across something new, interesting and quite possible completely unrelated to the original site you were looking at.

Now I'm the first to admit that my French is rusty; the last French I spoke in any amount was during my GCSEs, taken 10 years ago next summer. Fortunately French is one of those languages where enough of the words are similar to English that you can get a pretty decent idea of what's being said, although I'll have to add something to my Christmas list: "Father Christmas, je voudrais un dictionnaire français. Merci".

Anyway, the blog in question is 'Heures Creuses', which if Babelfish is to be believe translates as 'Off-peak hours', which sounds as if it could make a good title for a shift worker's blog, or as an off-shoot of the London Underground blog.

You may be wondering what the blog's about. Well my rusty French doesn't allow for such a comprehensive analysis, but there's certainly a media theme running through it, and it's content heavy with various sections and photo galleries, which is a big plus in my book.

All I need to do now is learn some French and I'm away!

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