North Facing - my new travel website

I announced a while ago that my travel website is now North Facing, or more specifically northfacing.com. The site specialises in travel to the more Northerly countries of the world, but also includes broader features including overland travel from the UK. This is a 3-part guide with illustrated maps guiding you from the British Isles to Europe and then beyond to popular international overland destinations. Keeping with the overland theme I've written guides to The Trans-Siberian Railway which features loads of photos and information about the journey on-board, and also a guide to travelling on the train from China to Lhasa in Tibet, which similarly features practical information about travelling on this 48 hour journey.

The North Facing website has a brand new look which I hope you like. It's currently being tested out on the homepage and I hope to roll it out across the whole site very soon.

You may have also noticed that my main homepage at danielatkinson.co.uk is also undergoing a makeover. I decided a new look was well overdue and this is also something I'll be working on and rolling out in coming weeks.

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