It's been....one week

I've been doing a bit of retro listening. Ok, the BareNakedLadies is late 90s / 2000 fare, so probably somewhat off from gaining retro status. Starting to feel like a while ago though, and so in minor tribute I am naming this post after perhaps their most successful of UK singles.

I've not made any blog posts in the past week. This has been due a mix of a few things. I've been putting most of my website focused time on some new content, which, dependant on whether or not I get away for the long weekend might be online soon. Destination guides for some of the places I've visited this year are in the offing.

The news on TV has mostly made me want to a whinge, and to be honest I couldn't be bothered. News stories and coverage have made me reach the level of "general irritation", but not the point where I'm going to go off on a big rant about them. I suppose that's apathy.

Things have also been busy recently. It's a relative concept, but I've felt pretty done in at the end of each day, so the creative juices haven't been flowing much, and if they have it's been to make some head way for the travel section of the site. Otherwise there's 101 other things I've been doing, and the poor blog has been become a bit sidelined. Hopefully not for long though. The long weekend may, with a bit of luck, rekindle some enthuse and zest for scribblage site-side.

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