
3am on a Friday night / Saturday morning feels like a somewhat less than illustrious time to be posting the 100th entry to this blog. Many other blogs achieve many more in a great deal less time, so although I'm glad I've reached this milestone of sorts, if anything I want to better it and surpass it, and reach the 200th post before too much longer.

I've come across Wikipedia in the past couple of days. I'd heard about it already, of course, but it was only during a google search for something or other that I actually ended up on the Wikipedia site for the first time. It's quite a resource, with entries covering a huge number of topics in surprising detail. It's maintained and expanded by the user base essentially, so I'm having a look at some of the areas I could submit some information on. It's a great fun idea, not to mention really useful for general research. The only thing is that with the quality being so high, it puts the pressure on to ensure all the facts are correct before posting an entry of your own.

Following the upload of about 35 RIAT photos on Thursday, I'm now putting together the finishing touches of a gallery of photos from my trip down the South-West last weekend. Once they're up I'll post something here to accompany it. It was a varied trip, and very enjoyable for it. More on it all soon.

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